Wet Season
Apr 11, 2022
Our Eden Lassie Farm is in the middle of wet season and received its first monsoonal burst on January 27 when 191mm of rain fell in 10 hours. The combination of the sun setting in the west and a storm approaching from the east produced a magnificent double rainbow over our Agave fields.
This video is taken from our House and Creek block. Our farm is laid out so that excess water drains off the agave fields using the contours of the land so it is channelled into the waterways and creeks running through the farm. Our agroecological approach to growing agave is to retain as much cover on the soil as possible, so that even during heavy rainfall events the water movement is slowed and minimal soil erosion occurs. This means the precious topsoil is retained on the farm and not carried out to sea and into the Great Barrier Reef.
This video shows the Greta Creek end of our Eden Lassie Farm which is the most prone to water inundation during the wet season. As much vegetative cover is maintained on the soil surface of the agave fields and the tail drains to slow the flow of water and minimise the loss of soil and nutrients into the creeks. As Agave farmers we love the rain but we need to ensure we are using good practises that protect the environment and the Great Barrier Reef.